September 8, 2024

TONY Fernandes has made the decision to reduce his shareholding in order to concentrate his time on other business interests.

As a result, he no longer holds any shares in QPR Holdings Limited.

Fernandes, who acquired the club with Ruben Gnanalingam and Kamarudin Meranun in 2011, said: “My involvement with QPR has been an incredible period of highs and lows.


“Outside of family, I have experienced some of the most enjoyable moments of my life thanks to QPR.

“On the pitch, there have been special victories and it was an honour to be there and see us win promotion to the Premier League at Wembley Stadium.

“Off the pitch, QPR’s reputation as a true community club is something I have always been very proud of.

“I am a passionate person and that means the good times have meant so much but, equally, the tough times have hurt.

“This decision to step away is made with a heavy heart. I would like to thank the supporters who I have experienced the last decade of adventures with.


“I will continue to look out for QPR’s results and wish the board nothing but success for the future.”

Speaking on behalf of the board, Gnanalingam said: “This is a sad day for the club, and for me in particular because Tony and I joined the club together.

“There have been some incredible moments during that period, particularly our survival in the Premier League in 2012 and our play-off success in 2014.

“Of course, there have been challenges too but Tony’s good intentions for the club can never be doubted.

“We thank Tony wholeheartedly for his endeavours and there will always be a place for him at the club.”


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