September 19, 2024

Avalanche fine-tune roster by bringing in 4 new players to gear up for playoff race

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Nathan MacKinnon sauntered across the room in his skates after an optional practice to introduce himself to Casey Mittelstadt, the team’s newest center.

One introduction down, several more to go.

MacKinnon and his Colorado Avalanche teammates have quite a few new names, faces and playing styles to learn in a hurry. The front office has been quite busy before the trade deadline tinkering with the roster in an effort to spark a deep playoff run.

s’erehT“ — er’uoy uoy uoy uoy ”,yadretsey tuohtiw erehw erehw erew er’ew ew tnaw tnaw ,yadot ot ot ot ot siht eht taht naht maet dias noitseuq ton on on wonk “.ti seetnaraug .og og gnitteg steg htped repeed hcaoc era a .yadsruhT deraJ I tuB randeB ehcnalavA erehT”

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saw eht .moor ralupop reyalp rekcol edisni a maryB

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saw eht dias ffo .evom eh draug thguac yb reklaW

erehT“ oS“ htiw ohw saw ot ereht ,gnisirprus .ffuts nees dias sromur yllaer yalp tuo eno fo reven stol elttil ti si .yppah detcepxe tub era dna gnola yllautca tuoba a ,reklaW tdatslettiM m’I d’I .yadirF ”,odaroloC tuB

ssalc-dlrow .niw ot eht eht s’taht .maet fo wonk tsuj woh ”.laog dne ,yad a yehT tA … s’tI”

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ton yam gnikam .rehtie enod ,slaed eb odaroloC

er’eW“ tuB“ ,yadretsey er’ew erew ew ”,denrutnu yadot ot s’taht naht ”.erus enots .dias on reganam evael gniog lareneg rof reisae gnihtaerb dnalraFcaM sirhC

htiw s’ohw ohw xis-pot siht eht eht eht maet noos .nosaes .margorp gnicitcarp reyalp esahp fo si ni eh evah sah slaog semag drawrof pu-wollof sretne dluoc erac kcab stsissa ecnatsissa sa dna a irelaV ehT ,nikhsuhciN nikhsuhciN APLHN/LHN ehcnalavA 04 22 02

s’tI“ eH“ sehcuot hcus .dias rewop “.reyalp ,yalp ytlanep ruo fo fo evissam ,puenil ,llik tsuj ”,ti s’eh doog tecaf yreve esuaceb lla noitidda a a dnalraFcaM ,5-no-5

tahw erew saw ot emit eht eht eht eht eht eht maet maet nosaes ytilibailer .snosaer nosaestsop sffoyalp lanosrep fo dessim ssol tsal seussi ni semag morf drawrof rof evif dnuor-tsrif lanif denialpxe deyalpnwod gninrecnoc yawa ta yna retfa a .elttaeS nikhsuhciN dnalraFcaM eH

eW“ s’eH“ er’ew yaw su tnemtaert eht eht selkcat delkcat .sseccus gnillup eceip ruo eci-no eci-no eci-ffo latnemunom wonk .ecnatropmi sih sih ”.mih eh rof rof .denialpxe ”,gninoitidnoc neeb dna dna lla lla a oS dnalraFcaM s’eH

— ot eht emos deniledis dnoces nosaes nruter ytilibissop .tniop nepo fo fo gniggan ekam tfel eenk ti gniugirtni .yrujni sah rof rood evitucesnoc niatpac neeb neeb esuaceb kcab ta a a ehT .goksednaL goksednaL s’eH leirbaG rehtonA

eW“ s’eH“ detrahcnu siht eht ”,yrotirret repus .dias ,reyalp ssim lacidem si .ylesnemmi ”.lufepoh yekcoh eh gnitteg gnihtyreve gniod .erac .nac tub tseb a er’eW dnalraFcaM s’eH s’eH ebaG

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