The marketplace for storytelling changed and, when it did, I realized that I better get busy changing, too. People wanted to hear stories that inspired or even instructed them, but they wanted to hear them live or while driving to work or having lunch at a business conference. Many, if not most, of us experience a point in our lives when the universe seems to be whispering that your value has changed in the eyes of others and that what you must do is go and do something else.

If you want to be able to hear the whisper when it comes, consider these two important things to remember:

Know your market: Ask yourself whether your sense of “worth” fits with the marketplace. Today’s displaced running backs really ought to know that it’s been quite a few years since football was considered a “running game,” and its biggest stars were running backs like Walter Payton, Jim Brown and Tony Dorsett. It’s been a quarterback’s league and a receiver’s game for most of the current century. I would be the last person to tell someone who loved to run with a football to stop doing it; but I would advise not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Channel your inner Swiss Army Knife: Understanding where your market is now and where it’s going will, or should, lead you to think about what new tools you should add to your belt. When many journalists saw the posting on the wall, we looked ahead to the emerging field of digital communications. In football, San Francisco’s Christian McAffrey has earned a powerful living as a top running back… but his value isn’t found as much for his running as it has been for his receiving.

Huge fullbacks like Larry Csonka were the first running backs to experience the devaluation of their running styles, so New England’s behemoth back James Develin learned how to block and catch passes from Tom Brady well enough to contribute to three Super Bowl championships.

You get the picture. Above all, the point is to be valuable. Be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, but never forget that value lies in the eye of the beholder. And though it often seems unfair, we live and work in a world with lots and lots of beholders.