September 17, 2024

Michigan football program ‘fired staffer over footage of him allegedly trying to solicit a 13-year-old girl’

An employee who’s part of Michigan’s football program has been fired after shocking footage of him allegedly soliciting a 13-year-old girl has come to light, in the wake of the department’s sign stealing scandal.

Described as a ‘low-level’ staffer by The Michigan Insider and Fox News, Alex Yood, who appears to be physically disabled, was put on the spot when he was seen with a bottle of liquor by Boopac Shakur — an online vigilante who encountered online fame for exposing child predators by luring them to to meet with him, instead of who they thought they were interacting with.

Video shared on several social media platforms, including Instagram and X, shows Yood being approached by Shakur and another man called ‘Dap’ at a store while holding a bottle with transparent substance.

Yood, at first, claims he wasn’t aware that he was speaking to a 13-year-old girl.

‘Dap’, however, recalls the minor’s age being discussed on two occasions throughout their exchange. He then yells in the store that Yood is only there ‘to meet a 13-year-old girl off the internet for sex.’

Yood is then followed to his car by Shakur and his collaboration partner, who’s seen noticeably filming their entire interaction, while being pushed to answer questions as to why he would want to meet with an underage teen.

He’s even asked if he kept a condom in his vehicle, and if he remembers some of the alleged text messages sent to the girl, like when he once told her to ‘wear something cute.’

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