September 19, 2024

“Stop Trying To Kill Atmosphere” – Barnsley’s Warning To Fans Prompts Angry Response From Some

Barnsley have issued a warning to supporters, stating that persistent standing will not be tolerated at Oakwell this season, which has prompted a defiant response from some on social media to the club’s official statement. 

A statement was released on the club’s official website earlier today stating that the Safety Advisory Group had informed them that enhanced safety measures would have to be implemented to prevent standing in seated areas. The club will be allowed to “self police” this issue initially, through their own stewards and procedures, but should this not prevent the standing then additional measures will have to be implemented.

This could included a reduction in capacity or certain areas of the ground being made off limits to supporters. Should these voluntary “self policing” measures be insufficient then the club have been threatened with safety certificates from the local council imposing partial or total closures of stands at the ground. Many clubs have opted to implement safe standing or railed seating following advise from safety commissions.  Standing in football grounds has not been permitted since 1994 after the Taylor report assessed the situation following the 1989 Hillsborough disaster in which 97 lost their lives with many more injured.

In the report it stated;

The picture revealed is of a general malaise or blight over the game due to a number of factors.”

“Principally these are: old grounds, poor facilities, hooliganism, excessive drinking and poor leadership.”

“The safety and comfort of those on the terraces has not been regarded as a priority.”

“This inhospitable scene tends to breed bad manners and poor behaviour. The atmosphere does not encourage pride in the ground or consideration for others.”

However, with safe standing yet to be implemented at Oakwell certain sections of the fan base have expressed their displeasure at the decision.

“It’s not the theatre is it? In khaleds letter he says the fans need to get behind the team, then this follows it.” – @bfctheo

“Good luck with that” – @beardedtyke

“Seem to remember Khalid shutting the West Stand for absolutely no reason after the council deemed such safe  Club are just making it more difficult on so many levels for supporters to attend” – @DrZazlos

“Get safe standing in ponty then, problem solved. Stop trying to kill atmosphere when last year u was crying out for it” – @JoelBoo78911665

Writer’s View

Whilst I always sit down in a football ground, many of my friends and colleagues choose to stand at the football. It’s part of how they like to enjoy it and add to the atmosphere. With so many clubs being proactive and implementing safe standing to prevent this sort of action, Barnsley seem to be lagging behind. Rather than threats to supporters who do not follow the rules, it would perhaps have been a better solution to explain what they plan to do to help accomodate those that do like to enjoy their football stood up.





Following dialogue with the Safety Advisory Group over the close season we have been informed that from the start of the 23/24 season that enhanced measures must be implemented to reduce the amount of spectators standing in seated areas.

The Sports Ground Safety Authority (SGSA) have advised that where there is evidence of large numbers of supporters standing in seated areas, then they will allow clubs the opportunity to manage this themselves in the hope that ‘self policing’ will reduce the amount of people standing. However, where this is not successful then the club may have to seriously consider voluntary measures such as reducing capacities or closing off certain areas of the stadium. If the club is still in a position whereby there has been no improvement then Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (who issue the safety certificate) may impose a reduction in a partial or full closure of a stand.

Standing in areas that are designed for seated accommodation can be dangerous and in the absence of Oakwell not having ‘rail seating’ currently installed, we ask all supporters to work with us in adhering to the licence conditions of the ground. If we cannot address this situation and show improvement then it is likely that the club will be forced to impose, or have imposed, stricter measures.

Similar measures have been imposed at other stadiums last season and it is likely that others will also find themselves in the same situation as ourselves during the 23/24 season.

You will see stewards being more visible and asking supporters to sit down; please work with them to achieve greater compliance before any further action is required. Where non-compliance is found, further action will follow which may include withdrawal of Season Tickets and or/ejection from the ground although it is hoped that this can be avoided.

We understand that supporters will periodically want to stand up at times of excitement and it is not these moments that we are referring to. It is when supporters are standing for long periods that is the matter of concern here.

Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.

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